In the below table there are some commands can be used to handle users and groups:

add useradduser <username>
add user groupaddgroup <groupname>
add specific user group as primary groupusermod -g <groupname> <username>
append user group as suplementary groupusermod -aG <groupname> <username>
lock userusermod -L <username>
check the user groupsid <username>
change to root usersudo -i or sudo su -
change to another usersudo su - <username>
set passwordpasswd <username>

To give permissions for specific user/group in order to execute commands with sudo, it can be pointed out in a separeted sudoer file (within sudoers.d directory). There is a below example to apply settings for myuser enabling it to execute restart and reload commands from http service:

Cmnd_Alias WEB = /bin/systemctl restart httpd.service, /bin/systemctl reload httpd.service

myuser ALL=WEB
open sudoer file with its contentsudo visudo
create another sudoer file to add permissionssudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/<filename>

Some commands to connect to Linux server:

generate SSH keyssh-keygen
copy SSH key to another serverssh-copy-id <public/private address>
authenticate using SSH keyssh <public/private address>

Command to copy files to one server to another using SSH key:

scp <files> <private address>:<directory>

Command to set the default permissions in the directory:

umask XXX